Summer Nights - The Dinosaur Hill Bioluminescent Rave

  • 31 Aug 2019
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve
  • 13


  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number.
  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number
  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number
  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number

Registration is closed

The Dinosaurs Hill Bioluminescent Rave  We here at Dinosaur Hill absolutely love the crazier (and cooler) parts of nature. We plan to celebrate this evening with a special party that focuses on the bioluminescent critters and fluorescent minerals that illuminate the dark without needing to be plugged in! We will be spending some time making our own glow in the dark jellyfish, putting special mineral specimens beneath black lights to see them glow, and we will even be stenciling glow-in-the-dark items as well as including a few surprises. Did we mention we would be doing all of this from beneath black light flood lights? Super Cool! Participants are asked to bring something light and cotton to stencil. 

August 31 8:00-9:30pm

Non-Members: $5 per person (everyone must register, children and adults) with a family maximum of $15

Members:  $3 per person (everyone must register, children and adults) with a family maximum of $12

You must enter the number of additional guests when asked for the invoice to calculate correctly. Do not include yourself in that number.