Summer Nights - The Dinosaur Hill Star Show

  • 27 Jul 2019
  • 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve
  • 0


  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number.
  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number
  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number
  • You still must enter how many "additional guests" are coming with you when asked, do not include yourself in that number

Registration is closed

The Dinosaurs Hill Star Show  We are extremely excited this evening ecause we're in the middle of he Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower! We will be celebrating the event by inflating our planetarium and watching a couple of short space movies, taking a tour of our Milky Way galaxy and then orienting our eyes to figure out where the best location in the sky will be to view these streaks of light this evening! We wll even take a short walk out to the lawn to try and spot a few constellations and cosmic neighbors. Participants will take home a list of upcoming astronomical events to continue their sky-searching all summer long! 

July 27 8:00-9:30pm

Non-Members: $5 per person (everyone must register, children and adults) with a family maximum of $15

Members:  $3 per person (everyone must register, children and adults) with a family maximum of $12

You must enter the number of additional guests when asked for the invoice to calculate correctly. Do not include yourself in that number.